The Anime fun Manifesto!!

"Let Anime be free!!"
 -for the birth crying of next generation-

Hello everyone.
We are two Japanese enthusiasts of Anime. Do you like any animation made in japan ? A long time has passed after Japanese animation introduced to the abroad. We have big pleasure that a lot of fans in overseas love anime. We feel that many people in other countries want to know anime more. But we are sorry that any Japanese media and service have been not able to satisfy your curiosities enough. Honestly, you all have remained cooped in the partiality that is not fair and equitable. We believe that you know the situation very well.

You can't watch anime freely. Even if you can watch some anime, many times you don't have any other way but you take an illegal step. You have only small supply of anime goods and character figures from Japan. Because the sales through regular distribution channel never has been started. You must have time lag and poverty of Anime culture. There is a information gap.
This inequality pushes you aside to the very edge of the anime culture, and hence you can only curry favor with Anime brokers indefinitely. It causes prejudice in favor of some of worthless anime. You are kept on and on the handicap, and you have liberty stolen. As a result, it is against your interests. This is not only disadvantage but also insult. Your situations suggest that Japanese Anime culture don't think of overseas fun as a regular member. Many of Japanese Otaku looked down on you as a makeshift measure which satiates perverted mind of nationalism. But,in fact, you are the guests of honor !!

Japanese anime companies will be hostile to you on the rash assumption that overseas fun are valueless. They would labeled you as evildoer in spite of their imperfection. You may expect that japanese anime companies mend their ways. But they will never mend it even if you give much your confidence to them. Dose the weather improve ? ...No. None of Japanese who knows this state of affairs can open up a new market for abord. There is no pioneer. Please keep this fact in mind. The Japanese Otaku keep on anime monopolized for themselves. Almost all Dealers in anime as business and most of Japanese Otaku are responsible. The dealers only stick to the status quo obstinately, for their thinking only of the present. Of caurse, we don't severely censure our own country from choice. We respect many of various cultures in Japan. It is possible to say that we adore them.

Therefore, we know miserable history that Japanese treated own cultural traditions like dirt and buried them in oblivion. For example, traditional crafts like Ukiyoe , Kobujutu as samurai military arts, festival rite called "Matsuri"in Japan, and wabi-sabi,......but We can't overlook also Anime to be added to this list. We don't have much plenty of time.
It is the evident to everybody that the time is going to be up. Because we are to do whistleblowing in English despite our poverty of linguistic ability. We can't speak English!! But we are under the necessity of explaining the actualities to anime funs in abroad. And then, we hurriedly have been studying English for several months by all our might.

We believe that we and you share the interest now.
You want to delve into about Anime.
We want to recommend about Anime.
Therefore we initiate you into an esoterica (This is a secret known only to an initiated minority. It is called Ougi or Hiden in japan.). Please don't worry that you don't follow the current Anime. The Anime, which are now on the air, are not always worthful. It is a foundations, not fashions that counts.
Our esoterica is analysis to know why anime is interesting. Although it is not special knowledge beyond the human understanding. This is like that everyone can enjoy watching games and playing it when they get understanding rules in any sport. For any other cultures, people have this kind of analysis as usual. We will only start it also for Anime culture.

What is the analysis we call? It is the method which outputs your own senses in more acceptable styles. You will get be able to explain the correct reasons why you are moved with anime, and you must be aware of amplifying your adoration to Anime.
Not only is it, but this elaborate understanding of anime have to bring new cognitions to you. You will grasp a structure of Anime, and you find out your favorite anime more by yourself. You wii get power of expression to draw illustrations like Anime. Everyone can do them. No matter whether you are a Japanese or not. You can do them irrespective of race and nationality. Off course, of your sex and age.

Globalizing of analytic funs will make  Anime's circumstances improved in your neighborhood. If you will pursue Anime in an upright posture, you will get surely comfortable Anime life. The Anime life must be more exiting !! We are afraid to say that Japan would go on steadily declining as the world is changing more and more quickly,because Japan have been utterly unable to devise any appropriate measures to cope with this situation. Then, In Japan, Anime culture have to lie in ruins. As a matter of fact, there are many indications.
But Anime culture will grow and flourish in your countries. As your own culture. For your own good. ......No problem. We never be jealous of it. It is rather our honor. Because Anime culture can survive !! This is the really purpose of our project.

Now, what is a feature of Anime? Is it attractive characters? Individual designs? Or configurations in each own work?
Yes. They are certainly essential elements.
But we must emphasise that Anime had each story to interest you. Their stories deserved your appreciations. The aforementioned elements are phenomena that get manifested by putting their stories into concrete shape.
Good Anime charactors, good Anime designs and good configurations of Anime works never been separated from their stories. Because they contain each story inside them necessarily.
Let us try to simplify this explanation. For example... When you see a man who keep standing in rainfall, what do you think about the man?

"Why dosen't he use an umbrella?"
"Dose he wait for somebody?"
"He maight be shocked by some of unhappiness."

You can certainly imagine some stories. ......Maybe you can imagine more than two stories. In the same way, when you see any good characters, you must expect some story about a character.
In this exsample, we have to set up the rainy situation, but a good Anime character gives you an intuition of some story that the character contains, without setting up any situation.

The stories are not only a somebody else's business. Readers of Manga or an audience of Anime have a link between the story and theirs one. So we can felt Anime character's story as if it were my own affair, even if the characters live in a fantastic world or a SF setting which are different from the contemporary world we live in.
Strange to say, in our country, we have often heard someone's explanations that story as a concept opposes charactor as a concept. We look at the explanations with suspicion. According to our earlier mention, we can say that characters have some story. Although the stories are not clearly and explicitly stated.
Then we don't think we neglect character's as a factor of Anime if we pay attention to stories.
There were many Anime works that have interesting stories like the best movies. The best movies have universal attractive stories. and many people have been trying to find the cause of the universal popularity of  movies. As a result, some of them can extract valid method how to make interest to us. You are the benefactor of us. Because people live in abord have presented universal attractive stories to us, and disclosed their secrets of great interest. In fact, Anime have been made under the influence of culture outside Japan.

You may not be surprised at this description. But Almost all the people don't recognize this fact on the particular genre for Anime. No wonder people don't share the recognition. Because Japanese people often say "Only Japanese can cast this Anime magic spell on !"  when they introduce Anime to the other countries.
If anyone tell you so......Please kick the prejudice out of your mind. Because that is wrong.
If you only watch Anime with enthusiasm, you can make yourself understand Anime as well as Japanese.
Is that all ? No. You can create Anime works that have the Japanese way much better. ......Perhaps more than almost all Japanese. You would create one of the greatest Anime works which any Japanese never have created. Our analysis must help you to do so. The culture can get over any border.

Oh ! Come to think of it, I have forgot to tell you what happend to buried Japanese cultural traditions after that.

European artist found Ukiyoe used as packing. They researched Ukiyoe and were crowned with success. Impressionists represent the people. Art circles have common knowledge that Ukiyoe affected Impressionist's character.
Juujutsu, which is a technique from Kobujutsu, seriously declined in Japan. But Brazilian sutudied the technique from Maeda Mitsuyo and Juujutsu has prospered in the outside of Japan. Masters of Juujutsu beat off their attackers in UFC. Their technique are indispensable for mixed martial arts.
Kurosawa Akira could hardly find sponsors in Japan, as he went near late in life. But many directors in Hollywood was absorbed to his works, and acquired his method. What happened in consequence ? They made one masterpiece after another.
Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola and many others declare that Kurosawa has a great influence on them. We want to do the miracle also for Anime culture.

For accomplishing the mission to be the dream come true, we and you need to make social solidarity and cooperation.