In the other day, we sent a message for
Now, I have gotten an answer from
From !?
I present the message.
And, I also try to translate this Japanese letter to English.
The Amazon's answer have no word in English...
-------------------------------------------------------(Below writing is my translation.)
私は、このたびご連絡させていただきますカスタマーサービス、エグゼクティブカスタマーリレイションズの▲▲と申します。このたび、、Jeff Bezos宛てにお送りいただいたEメールを、弊社担当部署にて拝読いたしました。
"Thank you for your usually using
I'm ▲▲(the answering person's name). I'm a member of executive customer relations in customer service.
I read your e-mail, which you sent for Jeff Bezos on, in our company's section.
We will refer to your opinion for future dealing with goods in our market.
We welcome you to come to"
In the first place, why dose Amazon "Japan" answer us ?
Doesn't Amazon USA understand why we wrote previous message to Amazon USA's CEO in English on purpose ?
Maybe Messages from Japan interrupted by Japanese customer's service ?
We heard that USA have advance and open society.
So we expected USA's Amazon.
But this result lets us down.
This is a big disappointed.
Why from amazon Japan...?
I wanted to send the message TO USA's amazon!
So I directly sent e-mail for the Jeff Bezos's address.
Expressly in English !
Everyone can understand the purpose !
Even child can do so!
Why was our message blocked at Japanese customer service center ?
Then, I paste another Japanese letter which some person got from Amazon Japan.
-------------------------------------------------------Let me translate this message to English.にお問い合わせいただき、ありがとうございます。のまたのご利用をお待ちいたしております。"
"Thank you for your asking to
We will refer to your opinion for future dealing with goods in our market.
We welcome you to come to"
Yes, the answer to us is certainly different from the above fixed form message.
Although the difference is only the additional phrase have next content.
"I'm a member of Amazon Japan. Your message was read in Amazon Japan."
I feel Amazon makes a fool of us.
I had a little remorse because I thought that I declared something too strongly in a previous article's title.
But now, I have not had any remorse at all.
This time, I can openly declare that.
"Amazon Japan is open only to a sharper. Not open to consumers with honest sense."
Furthermore, I want to add next phrase.
"Amazon USA isn't open to consumers with honest sense too."
If you... yes, you! reading this message, want to protect Japanese subculture, Manga and Anime and so on, and if you live in out of Japan, please send messages like one which we sent for amazon USA.
Because I suspect that Japanese customer's service center might interrupt the arrival of our message only because of it was from Japan.
I believe there is a relation between you and me on the purpose to freedom of representations.
If you like some Japanese culture, especially I believe so.
I hope Amazon USA CEO can catch the information of the unreasonable prohibition against Manga sales in Japan.
by DhanShark
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