
"The superficial modernization and the soullessness of the Japanese" -part 2

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In the Meiji era, the Japanese screeched out a slogan called "wakon yousai."(和魂洋才) The slogan means that the Japanese must keep spirit of own tradition and adopt Western culture only for technology to develop industry.
Any nation tend to say "We are the nation of independent country!" at any time.
So the slogan was agreeable for the Japanese people.
But at that time, the unaltered spirit was only Jyukyou and other two (about the two, I will explain in next part).
Other belief, worshiping for their ancestors and animism that is the faith by nature in Japan, were thrown away.
Since the Japanese assumed that their culture and the faith was absurd superstitions.
The Meiji government also didn't protect the culture and faith by nature in Japan.
Because the true natural culture in Japan could be obstructive to the progress of industrialize.
So the government propel the Shinto which were useful to gather power for the government.

And the another "wakon yousai"'s effect was guard against spreading the Western thought of citizen with free will.
Because the Japanese restricted adopting the Western culture.
They adopted only industrial technology of the Western culture.
The Japanese intelligentsia recommended doing so.

Fukuzawa Yukichi was a typical of that.
He wrote a book named "Gakumon no susume" (学問のすゝめ this title means "an encouragement of learning") to enlighten the Japanese people.
But he didn't regard the humanities like philosophy, linguistics and so on as learning.
He thought that those were useless.
Also he was not interested in spirituality the Japanese had as tradition.
He told about an incident of his childhood in some his book.
He got an intrusion into a shrine.
He triumphantly said that there had been only a stone.
He didn't think about what the old Japanese people found out beyond the stone at all.
If Fukuzawa lived today and he looked at a concert of Hatsune Miku, he had to say like next exaltedly.
"That is nothing but a only virtual image on the screen!"
He had to laugh at fans of Hatsune Miku.
But it is obvious which person don't have intelligence actually.
When Fukuzawa looked at an icon of the Christ, he had to say only like that.
"This is a stone."
"The maker of this sculpture had good/bad skill."
He never thought of the God.

Although this silliness, Fukuzawa's thought had been accepted by many the Japanese people. And the result is the contemporary Japan.
The most Japanese have not been interested in thinking of freedom to human being in his life as same as of the God.
The history means that Japan never have any civil society like the Western countries.

Fukuzawa's portrait is printed on the Japanese banknote of 10000 yen.
He is the suitable person to be done so at his many contributions to the superficial modernization in Japan.
He said some words like next meaning.
"We only have to learn the practical ability to make money".
And the people to accept the Fukuzawa's thought are only imitators of Fukuzawa.
This is the reason why the Japanese can say "I am a person with no religious faith" without special determination.
It is almost the same as confession that they have no spirit, no mind, no soul, no will and no motive from their own life.
It is impossible for the such nations to come into their mind to fight for saving their cultures and traditions.
Because the fights often are fighting against the government.
And the Japanese can do protect and follow only orders from the government as "okami".
And then, they never think seriously what is the culture they had by nature.

About Fukuzawa, it have often been said that he protest Feudalism and recommend freedom of people.
But his thought was based on Jukyou.
He often referred to "Ogyuu Sorai"(荻生 徂徠) and accepted that he was affected by Sorai.
Sorai is a famous scholar of Jukyou in the edo era.
Fukuzawa's basing is also verified by his saying like next phrase.
"There is freedom only in restriction of freedom."(自由在不自由中) This saying is the attitude that accept feudalism and totalitarianism.

In the liberalism as thought of the Western civilization, the government reconciles each person's desire and needs.
There is a prerequisite that each person can behave and say something on the basis of  person's desire and needs.
In short, it is business for government to consider balance and get it in the Western civilization.
In the other hand, in the Eastern countries like Japan, it is required for each person's mind to get the business.
But almost all Japanese people think that they don't have ability to consider and get balance because of some reason.
(About this reason, I will also explain next part.)
So the Eastern people only follow their government.
There is also the reason that people put their government as "Okami" and their ancestors in the same class.
I told you the influence of Jukyou in my previous writing part 1.
And then,  for a long time, Japanese political system have required a renunciation to the people without any social contract.

Fukuzawa's saying certify that he was indifferent to the fundamental contradiction between liberalism and Jukyou.
He only protested superficial effect from feudalism in the Edo era.

A matter for regret, "the liberalism" trumpeted by almost all the Japanese mass media and intelligentsia is the same thing to Fukuzawa's liberalism under Jukyou effect.
This nation have never known the meaning of freedom yet.

to be continue...
Next,"The superficial modernization and the soullessness of the Japanese" -part 3

by DhanShark


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